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"cationic guar gum industry and the cigarette pape   [  2010-7-12  ] Back

July 8, 2010 morning, by the Wuxi Municipal Science and Technology "organized by cationic guar gum industry and the application of the cigarette paper" Appraisal, held in Wuxi Taihu Garden Resort. Experts attending the meeting are: China Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Engineering professor, dean Caochun Yu, professor of Shandong Institute of Light Industry, Taishan Scholar lifted, the Chinese Academy of Forestry researcher at the Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products, chief expert and deputy director of the Housing Gui dry , Robert Freeman Paper Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Engineering, Technical Director of the Center Bin Gu, Huatai Group Co., Ltd. Engineering professor, deputy chief engineer Zhang Fengshan, Hubei University, Professor, Head of Yuan Shi Ju, Paper Industry Research and Design Institute of Shandong Province, Professor Senior engineer, director Zhang Hongcheng.
      Group heard the work report of the project and technical reports, review of the relevant identification material, reached the same conclusion: Our product technology cationic guar gum line is reasonable, feasible and technologically advanced, comprehensive product performance, the leading domestic level, identification Will be a success.

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